Sunday 17 March 2024

Stampin' Up! 2024 Onstage LIVE in Melbourne with Sara Douglas

WOW WOW WOW! I had the best weekend at the Stampin' Up! Onstage event here in Melbourne. It has been years since I've physically seen some of my crafty friends from around the country, and it felt so good to see and hug them again.  So let me tell and show you all about it...

The opening day presentation was fabulous. CEO Sara came to our event this time, its always super special when she does, having her here sends the message of love, community, crafty even closer to home. 

We spotted her as she arrives at the centre - so we quicly grabbed Sara for a picture!
Left to Right: Kayla MacAulay, Me, Sara Douglas, Sue Vine.
Sue stayed with me for a few days - like I said above its been years - we didnt stop talking the whole time she was here!
The swaps board... as people arrive they hang their swap card to the board, we got there so early I was the first one to put up a card. It looks lonely, but not for long. 
Beautiful Melbourne Australia - the weather was perfect this weekend 
A little before and after Sara and I 2016 Sydney and 2024.
Brian Pilling - another US superstar!
Myself, Jessie, Kylie Bertucci & Sue Vine
Once we were registered and had attended the opening presentation, we all moved up to a huge conference room. This was a funny picture - can you tell who is here for Onstage?  Follow the backpacks.
Mmmmm lunch is served
Inside the Product Playground, tables for us to craft, eat and chat at.
The Product playground had EVERYTHING on display - from new DSP's, ribbons, kits, InColours - it was amazing to be able to see and touch it all.  (paper pictured below)
We got to make up a SU colour wheel!
I'm a BRIGHTS fan - what colour family are you? 
Brights - Subtles - Regals - Neutral
We got to display a colour combination, heres mine - Coastal Cabana, Basic Grey and Daffodil Delight
These display boards are sooo striking, do you think they'll notice if I took one home?
New Specialty Designer Series paper packs - must have DSPS!
Ribbons - my first crafty experiences were with ribbon when I was 5
Time to 'make and take'
The main stage talks, demonstrations and presentations were soo great - so much effort and thought are put into them. Congrats to everyone who presented, its a tough gig!
The new annual catalogue!
PRIZE PATROL - free stamp gift
2nd Prize patrol gift!  DSP paper pack
This cool radio was being set up for the evening partayyyy - silent disco!
THIS BY FAR IS ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE MOMENTS OF THE EVENT! I have never attended a silent disco, soo much fun, would definitely do it again
Now the swap board is FULL!
New InColours are bright and cheery!
Wine time & time for bed, Im pooped. All in all a fantastic event SU and thank you for coming all this way (Utah to Melb) to see us again after soooooo long. 

If you liked today's post please share your favourite pictures to your Pinterest boards!

Thanks so much for stopping by and hopefully I have inspired your creativity. I love reading your comments, be sure to leave me a quick hello below! 
See all the catalogue products & specials here

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